About Me
One of my favorite Scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

Work Experience
Fran Marx
My personal story
Life, Faith, Confidence
My passions are helping people and sharing stories of the loving presence of God in my life, in good times and bad. I have created this website in the hope that as people read the testimonies and lessons learned, they will be encouraged in their faith and will be drawn closer to God because of His everlasting, loving kindness toward each of us. Please join me as I share my journey with the Lord.
Psalm 9:1 "I will give thanks to you Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of your wonderful deeds and I will be glad and rejoice in You, I will sing the praises of Your name o most high."
Bachelor of Science in Physical Education K-14 from University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Ill.
Attended several gifted education conferences, Small Business Administration workshops, and many miscellaneous Christian education and business classes and programs.
Master of Art in Guidance and Counseling from Argosy University, Sarasota, Florida
Ordained Minister from United Christian Church and Ministerial Association.
Vice President of Financial Development for the Sarasota Lighthouse Chapter of Aglow International.
A part-time high school guidance counselor at Venice Christian School, Venice, Florida. I helped students discover their God-given talents and gave them the resources they needed to pursue their dreams.
Part-time adult education career coach/counselor at Suncoast Technical College, Sarasota County Schools. I helped students in the inner city earn their high school equivalency diplomas, get jobs and develop broader visions for their futures..
A full-time guidance counselor at Sarasota Military Academy High School. Developed the guidance program from myself and 297 students to 4 counselors, a secretary, and over 800 students. Duties included counseling, scheduling, test coordinator, and being a school advocate at the county meetings and with families interested in attending the school.
Author of Mall Order Bride, my testimony, and of books on goal setting and personal growth.
Entrepreneur: Conceived idea and brought to fruition a successful retail business in a mall.
I would love to have an opportunity to share my experiences with God with your group, If you are interested in booking a date, please send me a message on the form below. Thank you.