Several years ago, I was thinking about how God would want us to live. I know that we are to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves, but what is one way that we can walk that out in our daily lives? Then I thought that one way would be to live a life of integrity. Then I wondered what that would look like in my life. I came up with an acronym that represents my thoughts about the characteristics that a person of integrity would have. Below are my ideas.
Interested in the well being of others
Nice, kind, generous
Trustworthy - having earned the trust of others
Esteem - to be well thought of, to have a good reputation
Genuine - not characterized by deception or fraud
Respectable - of or appropriate to good or proper behavior; having an acceptable appearance
Internalize the qualities of positive attitude, responsibility, courage, positive communication, self- respect, respect for others, love, commitment, and honesty
Truthful - to be honest, a person who keeps his/her word
Yearnings to make the most of myself while helping others do the same by internalizing and applying all the above mentioned traits
How about you? Has God encouraged you to walk your best life out in certain ways? If you would like to share, please scroll down and enter your comments.