When I was working as a counselor, the Lord impressed on me the importance of being proactive in my life rather than reactive. To me, this meant that I would contemplate the decisions I was making in my life; what the good and bad consequences of those decisions were and then determine the path I would take.
The problem is that being proactive takes work and the discipline of thinking about things. Being reactive to life, on the other hand, seems easier, because things happen and you react - no forethought involved. But in fact, in my opinion, living a reactive life, is much more chaotic and filled with stress.
So what are some ways to be more proactive in your life?
Pray about it. Ask God to help you identify who your best self is and how to get there, and then do your best to follow His lead. Be single minded. Decide that you will seek after and follow God, and you will find yourself being transformed into the person God created you to be.
Think about what you want your life to look like and who you want to become.
What small steps do you need to take to become the person you want to be? Ex. determine who you want to become: what characteristics does he/she exhibit? How will you get there? Ex. read more self-help or inspiring books, study the Bible, get counseling, find a mentor. If you want to become a more positive person, do you need to change the things you watch, read and listen to? Do you need to surround yourself with more positive people?
What small steps do you need to take to have the lifestyle you would like? Do you need more education or a better job to feel more fulfilled? Do you need to change your diet and/or activity level to become healthier?
To help you answer these questions, you may want to journal so that you have a more clear cut idea of the directions in which you want to go.
Some of the benefits of living a proactive life are these:
You have more peace;
you have thought about and anticipate any problems that may occur and have done your best to prepare for them or avoid them altogether;
you are happier because you are living a more authentic life
What about you? Are you living your best life? If not, what needs to change? Comment below.