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Being the Hands and Feet of Christ

Writer: Frances MarxFrances Marx

In Christian circles, we often talk about being the hands and feet of Christ to all those we meet. In this post I would like to talk about what that means to me and what it looks like in action.

To me, it means giving of yourself - time, talents, gifts - to help others, to the best of your ability. It means reflecting the character of Christ in every circumstance, with everyone you meet, which would be Godly love, because I believe that Christ is the manifestation of that love to us. If you are not sure what that kind of love looks like, please read 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 or sign up in the contact me section below, and I will send you a downloadable copy of God's love.

You may be called to reach many people, like my friends at THORN ministries who have been feeding, clothing, and praying for the homeless each week for over 25 years. You may be called to be kind to your family, your neighbor, the annoying person in line in the grocery store, or maybe to just smile a someone or say something nice to someone who looks like they need it. But whatever the call, as a Christ follower, you are to love God and love each other. Two of the exciting benefits of realizing that you (as we all) are a sinner, repent of your sins and ask Jesus to forgive you and to be your Savior, He forgives you and sends the Holy Spirit to reside within you. The Holy Spirit will then work in you and through you to draw you and others into a closer relationship with God.

Here are a few examples: When John went to Africa, he was 300 miles in the bush and responsible for the infirmary. The problem was that there were no supplies with which he could help the people. It was there that he learned that his job was to show up, and when he did, the Holy Spirit did the work that God wanted accomplished. He saw and experienced many miracles while he was in Africa. (see my Nov. 1st post on John's pages concerning his healing testimony). John carried the Holy Spirit to the people.

When I had my business in the mall, and some people encouraged me to sell the store because I sold lottery tickets, John said, "Don't sell the store. God put you in that position and you may be the only Jesus that your customers see." I did my best to embrace and reflect that in my daily walk at work. When the mall closed, nine years later, God showed me the impact that He had had on at least one of my customers through me. One of my customers told me, "Do you know why I have been coming here everyday for nine years?" When I asked why, he said, "Because you are the only person who would smile at me, or touch my hand, give me a hug, or pray for me when I needed it." Wow! I had no idea. I was just showing up to work each day and unbeknownst to me, God was doing a mighty work. Praise the Lord!

When John died, all my neighbors reached out to help set up the yard for the luncheon after the funeral and were there to help me in any capacity that I needed. They exhibited God's love for me. I also get consistent help and support from my family, friends and neighbors who are in it for the long haul to show me how much God cares. And recently, I received unexpected help from strangers. One lady saw that it was difficult for me to take the recycle bin to the street, so she stopped, turned her car around and asked if I needed any help. Of course I said, "Yes." and she came to my assistance. Each time I go to a store and something is out of reach for me, someone comes along and offers to get it for me. Each one of the people that has reached out to me has encouraged me and lifted me up during this very challenging season of my life. I thank God for and pray blessings over each and every one.

I share these events with you, to encourage you to look for even the smallest way that you can provide a kindness to another. You never know the impact it will have on the person in need. You will never know how God will touch those you help by your obedience to love.

In Matthew 25:40, "The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me." In 1 Peter 4:10, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

And finally, a quote from Saint Teresa of Avila: "Christ has no body but yours; no hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which His compassion looks out upon the world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands with which He blesses all the world."


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If you have a testimony or Godly lesson learned that you would like to share, please send it to me. Out of the submissions I receive, I will pick one on a regular basis to post on this site. In your message, please include your general location and general age. In the posting, I will use your first name only unless you let me know that you prefer to be anonymous.

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