In some seasons of our lives, it seems as if we are planted among the most beautiful, fragrant flowers. In some seasons, it seems as if we are planted amidst the thorns and struggling to survive. But in Scripture, it says to give thanks in (not for) all situations (see my posts in lessons learned from Nov. 8 and 15 to learn more about the transformative power of thanksgiving).
When we are struggling to bloom amidst the thorns I know it is hard to give thanks. I have been going through this season, but I know that the only way to blossom is to turn to the Lord, because there are at least sixty six verses in Scripture where God says that He will never leave me nor forsake me. By turning to Him, I receive peace and the ability and encouragement to move forward.
I pray and seek to find ways to use the gifts that God has given me to be a blessing to others. This website is one of the ways I am using my gifts. I hope that it is a blessing and encouragement to you.
No matter what season of life that we are in, there is always some way that each of us can be a blessing to others by using the gifts we have. I recently read an incredible story about a woman who most people would think had no ability to do anything for anyone, but she gave anyway. This is from Corrie ten Boom"s devotional, "Each New Day" March 18 and 19.
March 18: "Jesus said, "Occupy till I come." Do you think you have no opportunity to do this? I met a woman in Russia who had multiple sclerosis. Her feet and hands were paralyzed except for one finger. With that one finger she typed out Bible texts and inspirational books. ("Put up with your share of hardship as a loyal soldier in Christ's army" 2 Timothy 2:3 Phillips) What joy that You can use me even when I am weak."
March 19: "This paralyzed woman's husband bound her typewritten messages together into books which then went from one person to another. She did this work until the day she died. She is now with the Lord. How happy she is! And I am sure that she has heard from many there who have read her literature. "It was you who invited me here." Do not say you are not healthy or strong enough - you have more than one finger to use for God's work! ("Never lose your sense of urgency, in season or out of season. Prove, correct, and encourage, using the utmost patience in your teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2 Phillips.) Lord, we claim Your strength to serve You, no matter what our circumstances are."
So, bloom where you are planted. No matter what season you find yourself in right now, there is something you can do to reflect God's love to another person. If you're not sure what you can do, ask Him and He will lead you, empower you and guide you for His purposes and you and others will be blessed. When God is involved, it is a win-win situation for everyone involved. God bless you in all you do.