At this time of Memorial Day, I would like to thank all those who, through the years have given of themselves to help keep America free. To the soldiers, alive, wounded, and deceased, I thank you for your sacrifice. For the wives, husbands, parents, and children of our soldiers, I thank you for your sacrifice as well. It is hard to be a soldier and it is difficult in a different way for those left at home to be a support system for our soldiers. All deserve our gratitude.
We have three soldiers in our family and at least two more preparing to join them. To our son-in-law, Wes who served six tours overseas and is getting ready to retire, and his family - Thank you! To our son-in-law, Jason, who is preparing for his second tour, and his family - Thank you! To our grandson, Nick, who is currently on his second tour overseas, and his family - Thank you!
During this time of remembering our soldiers and their families, I am reminded of some of the patriotic songs I grew up with. I would like to share them with you as some of my favorites. I hope you are blessed by them.
"God bless the U.S.A." by Lee Greenwood was sung at my youngest daughter's 5th grade graduation, and still touches my heart.
I grew up listening to Kate Smith sing "God Bless America". Here is Celine Dion's version
And finally, Johnny Cash's version of "America the Beautiful"