Sometimes when we think about God's involvement in our lives, we just think about the big things. God, heal me.; God, save all those I pray for etc. But in reality, God cares about the smallest details of your life and He is working on fulfilling those needs. If we are not in relationship with Him, or not in close relationship with Him, we often don't notice how He is providing for us.
Being married to John for so many years, I gained a new perspective on this phenomenon. When John looked at situations or circumstances, or people, he tended to look at everything the way God would look at them. I suppose Scripture would describe that as "Putting on the mind of Christ". This enabled him to love anyone he met the same way that God loves them. It really was amazing to watch him in action, loving all those he met.
Now, let's get back to God caring about the smallest details of your life. John enjoyed fresh hot coffee and we would go out to eat two to four times a week. We began to notice that when he would order a cup of coffee, at least 95% of the time the waitress would say, "I just made a fresh pot." or "If you can wait a moment, I will make a fresh pot for you." Finally, John brought this to my attention, and commented that it was because God cared about the smallest details of our lives. God knew that his son, John, loved fresh hot coffee, so God made all the arrangements. Incredible!
As I was sharing this story with my friend, she commented on how God had provided for her need. She was at a church conference. She uses a special walker and usually needs help setting it up. At the end of the conference, her sister went to get the car to bring it closer to the door. My friend was contemplating how she was going to get to the door. Before she knew it, a women walked up and asked if she could help. The woman was a physical therapist and knew exactly how to set up the walker and help my friend transfer to it and walked her to her waiting car! Then she was able to prepare the walker to go into the car. Amazing! Of all the people in the church who could have helped, this was the one person who responded to God's call. She was the one who had all the knowledge and skills necessary to get the job done.
God's love for us is above and beyond anything we could dream or imagine. If you want to hear another incredible story of God's attention to detail, please listen to my podcast of "Mall Order Bride: A True Cinderella Story." You can access it by clicking on "podcast" in the menu bar or the circle that says "podcast".
I hope these stories encourage you to start looking for how God is working in your life to bless you in even the smallest detail. God bless.
The longer your relationship with Jesus is...the more you get those 'kisses from heaven'. I feel so humbled to be gifted those moments when you KNOW the circumstances changed..just a bit...so you'd know it's a little God- moment.
I especially have noticed it just prior to the loss of my daughter Allie, and for weeks after.
These moments fill your heart with so much joyful anticipation of our eternal future in Heaven♡♡♡
When he was in college, my son's best friend Justin had a heart attack at age 22 while doing his daily run across the the Ashley River Bridge in Charleston. A nurse traveling across the bridge stopped immediately and began giving him CPR. She was shortly relieved by a cardiologist who also stopped to assist until an ambulance arrived some 15 minutes later to take him to the hospital. Unbeknownst to anyone, Justin had a congenital condition involving his heart that finally kicked in, nearly killing him. But, God took care of the details and assured his recovery by putting a nurse and cardiologist in his path at just the right moment. Justin is now a happily married father of…