When I left the Chicago area, I had experienced a tremendous growing time in my life. I had become aware that I was capable and had gifts that could accomplish much when I set my mind to doing something. For most of my working career, I had been associated with education in some way.
With my new found self-awareness, when I moved to Florida, I wanted to do something totally different, so I opened a retail store in a mall where I sold snacks, drinks, and lottery tickets. I was very successful and God used me mightily during those nine years. (You can read more in my Sept. 13th testimony blog called "A summer miracle". or listen to the podcast of Mall Order Bride). The end of that season came when the mall closed.
I stayed home, cleaned the house, home schooled one of our daughters, and after one year, John invited me to work with him. He was a painting contractor. I learned how to paint, caulk, pull hoses, and whatever else he needed. I had a great time working with him. We worked together for seven years. As the years went on, I realized that we were getting older and John had back problems. So the last couple of years I began to pray, not every day, but consistently. I said, "God, I want to be John's best helpmate, but I can't finish a painting job by myself, so that can't be the way. You gave me a great education, so I know that at some point You will give me opportunity to use it." Then I waited.
Our daughter wanted to leave the regular public school to attend a new military charter school that would teach the core subjects as well as leadership through JROTC. We wondered if this would be a good move, so John and I decided that I should attend the informational meetings to learn more about the new school. At first, it seemed like a good idea, but after the third meeting, I came home and told John that I would love to be the guidance counselor for the new school. So, in spite of the fact that I hadn't been in education for a few years and did not have my masters degree in school counseling, John recommended that I write to the principal to request that I be considered and include my letters of recommendation.
Amazingly, I was hired to help out in a variety of jobs and then during the second year of the school I became the guidance counselor. The requirement to keep the job was to return to school and complete my masters degree within three years. So, at 55 years old, I returned to school, earned my masters and continued at the school for nine years until I retired the first time. Getting the job was the first miracle.
Passing the state exam was the second. I was so nervous as I drove to Tampa to take the test. Then I realized this: God put me in this job. If He wants me to stay, no matter what, I will pass. If He wants me out, no matter how much I know, I will fail. I relaxed, knowing that the results were all in God's hands. I finished the test one hour early and passed. Praise the Lord!
After retiring, I wrote my first book. After three years, I realized that I wanted to return to work in some capacity. I was at lunch with a friend who had a prayer journal. She would enter prayers in her journal and then highlight them when they were answered. She asked who needed prayer. I said, "I want a job where I can use all my gifts, get paid a fair wage and have no stress." Of course everyone laughed. Who gets that?
Within one month, I had two part-time jobs that fit that criteria completely. Praise the Lord! When I reflected on how I received those two offers I realized that God had prepared the way.
In one case, perhaps seven years prior, when the school was starting a high school, I helped the person who was providing guidance with any resources and knowledge I had. Consequently, when she was going to a different position and the school needed a part time guidance counselor, she remembered me and recommended that they hire me.
In the other case, someone I met only once asked if I knew of any part time guidance jobs. I thought that was peculiar since my experience with guidance was always working overtime. The next day, I drove by a sign that offered a part time guidance position. I thought that was incredible. I applied for the job, but was not hired. Two years later, when my friend prayed, a more appropriate job opened up and the person hiring remembered me and offered me the new position, which I took. God's timing is truly incredible!
Remember that God is all powerful. He has all the connections and can prepare the way for you also. Pray, listen, and wait. God will never let you down. He is always with you and as is stated in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
I stayed at those jobs for six years and am now retired once again. I am now trying my best to live in the moment, be open to the leading of the Lord, and use my gifts accordingly. It is my joy and pleasure to share what I can with all of you. I hope you are blessed also.