I had written three previous books about goal setting and achieving. When I was a counselor at a Christian School and wanted to help students learn how to achieve their goals, I wanted to created a system in which God was an integral part. I came up with the acronym GODS TEAMS. It represented all the components necessary to be successful in achieving goals. I asked the students to create a short term goal and to see if they could accomplish it using the GODS TEAMS system. They used the system and were all successful.
Since we are beginning a new year and many people are thinking about how they can make their lives better by changing a few things, I thought I would share my ideas with you. Each letter represents an action you can take to achieve your goals. They are not in the order in which they should be done, so I have numbered each step to help you navigate the system.
2. G - GOAL - What do you want to accomplish?
6. O - OBSTACLES - What is keeping you from achieving your goal?
7. D - DRAFT - Draft a plan to overcome each obstacle that is preventing your success.
5. S - STEPS - What small steps do you need to take to accomplish your goal?
3. T - TIME - When do you expect to accomplish this goal? Is this a short or long term goal?
8. E - EVALUATE - Are the steps you are taking working? What aspect is working and what is not?
What needs to change? What will you do instead that you think will work better?
9. A - ADJUST - Make any adjustments needed so that you can be successful. Evaluation and
adjustment should occur periodically, perhaps once a week or once a month, to keep you on
4. M - MEASURE - When creating a goal, be specific enough so that you have an easier target to
hit and so that you will know when you have achieved it. Ex. Rather than lose weight, your
measure could be lose 10 pounds in six months. Rather than read more scripture, your
measure could be to read, meditate and take notes on one scripture per day. Rather than
exercise more, your measure could be to walk for 30 minutes 3 times per week.
1 S - SEEK - seek God's plan for you in all you do. When you are working in accordance with His
plan, life is a lot easier. In Matthew 11:28-30 ESV, Jesus said, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
If it is easier for you to follow the steps in order, here they are: Seek the Lord; Set your goal; Set your time frame in which to accomplish the goal; How will you measure successfully completing the goal?; Decide what steps you need to take to be successful; What obstacles can you foresee holding you back?; What can you do to avoid or overcome those obstacles?; Evaluate your progress and adjust as needed.
Another piece of advice I would like to share is this: As you set your goals and develop your visions, keep your ideas to yourself, or just between you and God, until you have accomplished what you set out to do. The reason is this. When we speak of our great plans to our friends and family, they are supportive and congratulatory. Sometimes speaking about it and getting accolades from others feels as if we have actually accomplished a goal, so in essence, we sabotage ourselves by not moving forward with the work it takes to get things done. If you can share with others and continue to work on your goals, more power to you. But if you find that after sharing, you are not actually doing, be aware of what is happening and recognize this as a possible obstacle to your success. When you recognize it, you can avoid it
I have given you steps you can take to ensure your success, but I believe the greatest factor in successfully accomplishing any goal in your life is having a made up mind. When you have made a decision and nothing will sway you from following your plan, you have a made up mind. I have found in my own life, that any time I accomplished anything extraordinary, it was because I was single minded. I visualized what I wanted and moved forward, not allowing anything to get in the way of my success.
May God bless your efforts as you go forward with your visions for 2023.
If anyone is interested in purchasing my book, Goal Achieving Tools: GODS TEAMS and More by Frances Marx, please visit Amazon.com and type in the title and author name. Thank you.