When I was first learning about the Lord, I learned of His love through the people He sent into my life to help me survive and get through a devastating time. I found myself wanting to know more and more about Him. I wanted to feel His love and needed His peace that goes beyond understanding.
I would speak to Him as I was driving and sometimes sense an answer: Like the time I said, "If only my kids would listen to me, their lives would be so much better!" Then I sensed Him saying, "If only you would listen to Me, your life would be so much better!" I laughed and agreed.
Or another time when I was thanking God for all He had been doing in my life: I said, "God, what can I ever give you to show you my appreciation? You created everything. You know everything. You have all the resources and can make all the connections. What could I ever give you?" Then I sensed Him saying, "All I want is you." I thought that would be an amazing trade! I give God myself, with all my weaknesses and lack, and He give me everything I need. (Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.") Although I knew this was an amazing trade, I was still hesitant to relinquish control and allow Him to lead me in ways that I could fulfill my purpose and be my authentic self.
Then one day I felt the urge to drive from Sarasota to Riverview to ask my friend Kristin to pray for me. I went and she did and I was changed. As she prayed, she created a picture in my mind of me sitting by the shore with the waves gently washing over me; nothing to be afraid of. In my image, as I was sitting there on the shore, it was as if the waves were God gently washing over me, taking away the hurts and making me new. In her prayer, she encouraged me to not be afraid and to be my authentic self as God was covering me with His love.
Not long after that experience, I freely gave my life to the Lord and accepted Jesus as my savior. My life has never been the same since then. Certainly I have had trials, but I have always had His peace and that peace is more powerful than anything I could have imagined.
So, if you are having a hard time or feeling overwhelmed with life's circumstances, I would encourage you to turn to Jesus. He understands. He really understands. God bless.
Thanks for sharing Fran. I look at you and see the resemblance to your mother, my nuna. She always made us feel welcome in her home whenever we visited.