I would like to introduce you to a website that I have found to be a real encouragement to me. The company is called Simple Truths. I am sure you have seen the motivational posters that they produce. In addition to selling posters and books, on their website are posted several free short (up to 3 minutes) videos in which they share some nuggets of truth to encourage and empower those watching.
When you click on the link below, you can see videos about the following topics. Happiness; Inspirational, Leadership, Motivation, Personal Growth, Professional Growth, Positive Attitude, and Teamwork.
My favorite is "Simple Truths of Service: Inspired by Johnny the Bagger". It is a true story about how each of us can make a difference within the sphere of our world. It is a very moving story.
If you want to know more information about any of the videos, there are books available for sale that go along with the video.
God bless.