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Proverbs Part 2

Writer: Frances MarxFrances Marx

Last time, I talked a little about why you would benefit from reading Proverbs and challenged you to add that to your Bible reading regimen.

In addition to your Bible, if you would like a resource to help you dig deeper into understanding Proverbs, I think you would be interested in this. "In Search of Wisdom: Life Changing Truths in the Book of Proverbs" by Joyce Meyers. It is available at where you can support her ministry. During checkout, for a limited time, if you use the code BookSale25, you will receive 25% off of any purchase.

Joyce Meyer also has a Bible study entitled "31 Days in Proverbs". If you are interested, copy and paste this link in your browser.

As we continue in the Proverbs posts, I will be sharing little tidbits of what I gleaned from my readings.

In Proverbs 1, the question is raised, Do you want to be a fool, or do you want to be wise? If you want to be wise, you will listen to God's instructions and follow His lead. If you don't listen, life will not go well for you and you will suffer the consequences of your choices. If you do listen, you will live in peace and things will go better for you as you reap the consequences of your good choices.

Proverbs 2 emphasized the importance of seeking God's wisdom as if you were seeking a hidden treasure. Think about how you would behave if you found a treasure map and knew that if you followed the map, you would find a great treasure. I bet that you would be pretty excited and search for it with all that was within you. I believe that the wisdom of God is much more valuable than any physical treasure you could imagine. As you seek God's wisdom, you will discover it and God, Himself will give you knowledge and protect you. Wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasing to your soul. You will have the understanding necessary to avoid evil.

How is your journey through Proverbs going. Please leave me a note below to let me know. Thank you. God bless you.


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