My friend, Christa Kirk-Webber, wrote a daily devotional called "Spirit Calling". She believed that she should record some of the things that she felt the Holy Spirit was putting on her heart. As I read it each day, I am amazed at how it ministers to me so many times. This post is from June 9th. It really touched me as an example of how people should go about parenting their children. Although I did the best that I could in raising my children, I wish that I had had a better understanding of discipleship and how influential my role as a mother and leader could be. I would have appreciated having and applying this insight when I was a young mother.
"Why do so many hurt their children and claim to be discipling them in My name? I would never take My hand or a whip to a little one. Discipline is discipleship...it is role modeling love and grace, service to others. It never berates, never condemns, and never disrespects. Your children are learning and growing, they will make many mistakes, they will fall short of your expectations. Show them grace as I have shown it to you. Surrender your parenting to Me...trust Me to lead and guide them through you in a gentle and loving way, as a shepherd leads his sheep."
One thing that touched my heart was thinking about how patient, loving, kind and full of mercy Jesus is toward me. He is my example, so following HIm, I need to behave in that way toward everyone I meet. Following Jesus means walking in and showing His love to others. His love is spelled out in 2 Corinthians 13.

To practice this kind of love is impossible without the Lord. But since all things are possible with God, as we invite Him into our lives and seek to practice His will for us to share His love, we become more able as we practice. Jesus said that He would go away and that He would send the Holy Spirit to lead us in all the truth and to give us power. In this case, the power to love.
I hope that you are encouraged by this post to love others with the love of God.
God bless you in your efforts.