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"So If The Son Sets You Free, You Will Be Free Indeed" John 8:36

Writer: Frances MarxFrances Marx

It was 1993, a year before I married John. I was a fairly new born-again Christian, but knew enough to know that there are spiritual battles that go on within us. I was at work in my kiosk and felt a tremendous burden all day. I tried positive affirmations, thinking positive thoughts and anything else to ease the burden. When nothing worked, I told my friend that I thought it must be a spiritual battle, because I couldn’t shake off this burden. It was with me all day.

Then John called to tell be about a women’s meeting that was going on at Christian Retreat that night and suggested that I go to hear from a speaker we had both wanted to hear. I thanked him and I told him I was busy. After I hung up the phone, I started thinking, “I haven’t spoken with John in a couple of weeks (it was one of our butting heads and going apart times), I have this heavy burden, and he calls me now.” I reconsidered, canceled my plans for the night and went to the meeting.

I thought it was going to be some small meeting, but when I arrived, I discovered that it was a huge all weekend conference and it cost money to attend. Since I didn’t have much money, I asked if I could pay for just the Friday night meeting. I was told that I had to pay for the whole weekend. I thought to myself, “Well, I am here now, and I did deposit my child support check this morning, so I know that I have money today.” So, I registered. Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” I didn’t know what was in store for me, but I knew that if I put God first in my life, He would put everything else in order. Matthew 6:33 – my interpretation.

After paying, as I was walking toward the sanctuary, a woman ran up to me and said, “Isn’t this exciting!” I replied, “I don’t even know what this is.” I continued in and sat down. Praise and worship music started. I stood up and opened my mouth to sing, and the strangest thing happened. The voice coming out of me was so beautiful, I never wanted to stop! Then a woman next to me said, “That’s the most beautiful voice I have ever heard!” I replied, “It’s not mine!” If that would have been all that happened that night, it would have been amazing, but there was still more to come.

After the service, the speaker invited everyone that needed a healing to come forward. I thought that since I needed a healing in my spirit, I should go up, so I did. We were all lined up across the front of the room. The speaker was going from person to person, telling them weird things that only that person could understand. When she got to me, she sang a song: “Precious Frances, Satan has come to pull you down, but I say My word is sound. Return to the joy of your salvation.” She touched my head lightly and WHAM! I was totally energized! I felt like it looks on Star Trek, when a person disintegrates and then becomes whole again. I was totally set free of the burden!

I was so excited, that I wanted to stay all weekend, but I was scheduled to work at the kiosk on Saturday and Sunday and it was 11 p.m. on Friday night. Since nothing is impossible with God, I prayed that God would help me find workers for my shifts – and He did.

I was able to attend all the meetings and came home with this message. “Stay home, read the Bible and take care of your kids.” I was involved in a few different things beside my regular business, so I went to each one, told them the message and did what I was instructed to do. I was transformed that day and have never been the same. I remember it as if it was yesterday even though it has been almost 30 years.

That night I realized that although all the counseling I had undergone through my divorce helped in some way, one touch from God can set you free and on the right path instantly. I hope that this story will encourage you to seek God in all that you do so that He can heal you, set you free, and empower you to follow the great plan that He has for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.”


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