There is a website that I find very inspirational. It is called Simple Truths. The website is https://www.simpletruths.com/ If you enjoy the video below, I would encourage you to visit the site and click on motivational videos to see even more.
On the site you can order motivational books. In addition, there are several short videos that you can watch that are kind of summaries of some of the books available. The categories of videos are Happiness, Inspirational, Leadership, Motivation, Personal Growth, Professional Growth, Positive Attitudes, and Teamwork. As a school counselor, I used these movies to get across a point that I was trying to discuss. The movies engaged the students and I believe inspired them in a positive way. In whatever field you are working in, whether it is in ministry or the workforce, or if you just want to watch short inspirational videos, I highly recommend that you look through the list of videos available. You may be able to use one or more of them to inspire, educate or encourage others.
The story below is one of my favorites and it is based on a true story. I believe you will be touched by this story of Johnny the bagger. Let's follow Johnny's example and do likewise.