I was washing the dishes one night and I remembered that when I was in eighth grade, I took a home economics class. We learned the proper way to set a table and how to wash dishes. This is something probably few people think about now because many of us have a dishwasher. The proper way to wash the dishes is to wash the least dirty/greasy things first, like glasses and silverware, then the dishes and then the pots and pans. If we did it in reverse, then the water would be too dirty/greasy to wash the glasses well.
As I thought about the proper way of washing dishes, I started thinking about our lives. We can live our lives according to our own understanding and oftentimes accomplish much. Sometimes this includes living a life of stress, confusion, and drama. But is this the most efficient and effective way of living our lives?
Let's look at what the author of all creation has to say about this. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." God has great plans for each of us, but how do we find out what that is? Read the Bible. It is full of instructions about how to live your best life. For example, Proverbs has 31 chapters, one for each day, and is filled with guidance. And you will find more throughout the Bible.
Jesus said in John 16:7 and John 14:26. that after He went away, He would send the Holy Spirit to teach us all things. The Holy Spirit has been described as our Helper, our Counselor, our Comfort, our Guide, one who will lead us in all the truth. So if we want to know the most efficient, effective way to live our lives, before reading and meditating on the Scriptures you read, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His truth to you for your life. As you meditate and listen, He will lead you and guide you in the way you should go.
As I was thinking about instructions, I thought that most of us resist reading the instructions. Think about the times you purchased something that needed to be assembled - a toy, a bookcase, etc. Many of us just take the parts out of the box and start assembling. This works sometimes, and other times we finish the project and realize that we have extra pieces left over or the item was not put together correctly, so we decide to read the directions and start over so that we can get it right.
Many of us go through life like that also. Muddling through, doing the best that we can until one day we realize that there must be a better way. That's the day we turn to the Lord to ask His help. Fortunately for us, He is always there, ready and willing to help. As I said in last week's post. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Are you ready to read the instructions, listen for guidance in order to live your best life? I hope so. God bless your efforts and give you understanding.