In her daily devotional, "Each New Day", for March 4th, Corrie ten Bloom talks about obedience. She says, "Perfect obedience would be perfect happiness, if only we had perfect confidence in the power we were obeying. A wolf does not bother a sheep that is with the flock, close to the shepherd." Psalm 23:1 RSV, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." Corrie goes on to say, "Keep me in your flock, Lord, safe and secure in Your protection, knowing I have nothing to fear when I do Your work."
Obedience seems like a strong word. Before I gave my heart to the Lord, I cringed at the thought of being absolutely obedient to our Lord. I have come a long way toward realizing that I am not giving anything up that is of value, when I am obedient to God. Rather, when I am able to be obedient, my life goes so much better: I have more peace, I find favor with people, I have joy and more.
But what is the hold up? I long for the day when the Lord says, "Do it this way." and I say, "Yes Sir!" When the Lord suggests or commands a way for me, why do I try to convince Him that His plan is unnecessary or that I have a better plan?
In my mind, it makes no sense because I know that the Lord is the creator of all, He is all knowing, He has all the connections, He knows the best plan for each of us that He wishes we would embrace. And yet I find myself resisting. Why? I do trust the Lord and yet I hesitate. Is it my pride that is holding me back? (Resist with full Armor, Sept. 27th lessons learned post). Could it be that my faith is not absolute? (Dorothy with the Sparkling Blue Eyes Sept. 27th testimony). Whatever the reason, I want to do better because I know that the results are better when I fully trust and obey God
If you study the Scriptures, everyone who had a close relationship with God was obedient. Christ was obedient, even unto death. Our Blessed Mother Mary was obedient to say yes to God even though it seemed as if she risked being stoned for becoming pregnant before she was married. Joseph was obedient to marry Mary even though he knew she was pregnant because he believed the angel who told him that the pregnancy was from God.
There are many more examples and even if the others were not absolutely obedient all the time, their heart was in the right place, because they wanted to be obedient and tried their best to do so. God gave them more opportunities and more grace.
I believe that God meets us where ever we are at because He loves us more than we can imagine and He wants to have a close relationship with us. If our heart's desire is to have that close relationship with God, we will want to be obedient to follow His lead. Just like in the human realm, when we love someone we try to do things that please our beloved so that they know we care, when we love God, we will do all we can to be pleasing in His sight to let Him know how much we love Him.
So in questioning my own obedience walk, I thought of an experiment I could try. What if each time I felt a nudge from the Lord to do something, I stop what I was doing, if I could, and actually just did it? Maybe it would calling someone or doing something. Usually with the Lord, things don't take too long and are not burdensome.
I have started that experiment and so far it is working really well. I have been blessed without stress and those involved have been blessed. At this point, I may stumble along the way and miss my assignment, but my intention is to continue in this direction so that one day I will be able to hear God's voice and say "Yes Sir!"
How about you? Do you want a closer relationship with God? Where are you on your journey of obedience to Him? Will you join me in this experiment? If so, of course, you will do it in your own way because we each have our own journey that is special with the Lord. May God bless you in your efforts.