When working to achieve your goals and dreams, what is holding you back from succeeding? I've studied goal setting and tried a myriad of methods. But no matter the season of life or the technique, I fell short. Why? What was the problem? Intellectually, I know what I should be doing, but I don't do it. Is part of the problem a spiritual rather than natural problem? In Romans 7:15, Paul says, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do." (NIV)
Reflecting on my life and the times I did achieve relative greatness, in my life sphere, I realized that certain concepts consistently fell into place; and they were always the same. So why couldn't I maintain the process in every area of my life? When I pursued a goal, it was as if I were running a race. I ran to win. I won, and then I rested on my laurels until the next chapter of my life. Why not keep going? I am still not totally sure. The truth of the matter is that you cannot fulfill the call God has on your life unless you keep trying. Hence, anytime you feel discouraged or defeated, you know that this is not God's plan for your life. So, you have an opportunity to choose. Rest on your laurels or keep on persevering for God's purpose.
I identified three things that contributed to my inability to accomplish all my goals on a steady basis:
One was a lack of intentionality. Living my life intentionally took work. It paid off in tremendous benefits, but it was still work.
Second was failing to look for the root of what was hindering me. What were the obstacles that stopped me? Were they real concrete obstacles, or obstacles that I created in my mind? It is vital that you reflect on the possible roots of the things that hinder your success.
Third was that often, pride got in the way.
Frequently, I would get burned out, working hard on a project, feeling as if I were the only one doing all the work. I'm sure some of you have felt that way in your own lives-whether at home, at work or at church. The problem is that if you are consistently getting burned out, it means that you are trying to do everything in your own power rather than relying on God and those He sends to assist you. If you are in this position, as I have been, you are practicing the sin of pride. In several places, the bible describes pride as sin.
"The kind of pride the Bible condemns is a pride that puts ourselves first, and leaves God out of the picture. When that happens, we take credit for everything we accomplish, and we live only to please ourselves. This is why pride is at the root of almost every other sin." billygraham.org The bible says in James 4:6, "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble hearted." Once I realized that this verse was real, I did everything possible to become humble before God and let go of the ungodly pride that had been a ruling force in my life.
So, what is holding you back from being all that God created you to be? Think about your own obstacles, degree of intentionality, and any other roots that may hinder your success. Then address those issues and move forward to achieve the hopes and dreams that God has placed in your heart.
As a young woman, I was somewhat competitive, but as I have matured as a person and as a person of faith, I no longer feel the need to compete with others. My focus now is to love God, love others, and love myself. If I can do that, everything will fall into place, so I work to be the best I can be in those three areas in my life.
Earlier, I referred to consistent concepts that helped me succeed. I will introduce those concepts in next week's post.