When the student is ready, the teacher appears. What does that mean? Think about various times in your life when people tried to guide you or give you advice. Sometimes you listened and sometimes you didn't. What was the difference.?
During the times you listened, you were ready to hear. At other times you were not. A line in the 1948 Academy Award winning movie, "The Song of Bernadette", says, "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." In my mind, this means, that if you are not ready, no matter how many teachers come your way, you will not listen.
In my walk with the Lord, until I was around 40 years old, I was not ready to listen. I was self sufficient and prideful. I knew what was best for myself and everyone else. Then tragedy hit my life. How would I handle it? I didn't know what to do. I suppose many people were praying for me and God started bringing people into my life to introduce Him to me so that I could realize how much He loves me and that if I chose to follow Him, God would bring peace and joy and more into my life.
Since it didn't look like I had many options: be miserable and stressed or have peace, I chose to listen to those Christians and believe what they told me with the hope that the peace would come. I have followed that path for over 30 years now and can say unequivocally, that I made the right choice and even though through the years there have been times of trial, I have always had God's peace and He has seen me through every difficulty.
Looking back, I realize that my heart was ready to receive some excellent teaching. I continue to keep my heart and mind open to further my walk with God. How about you? Have you prepared your heart and mind to receive the goodness of the Lord? If not, or if you don't know how, just ask the Lord and He will help you. He is such a gentleman. When you open your heart to Him and pray, He changes you in such subtle ways, that you are not even aware of it until a situation arises and you react in a different way, a better way.
Try it and you will be amazed. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear and you will be forever changed for the better. God bless you.