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Where Does the Rainbow End?

Writer: Frances MarxFrances Marx

Did you ever wonder where the rainbow ends? I often have, but one day the Lord showed me when I most needed a sign from Him. In Genesis, God speaks about the rainbow being a symbol of the covenant that He made with Noah to never destroy the earth again with a flood. So to me, the rainbow reminds me of God's promises and faithfulness.

Ten years ago in May, I received a call that no mother or father ever wants to hear. My youngest daughter who lives about an hour from us was in a horrific car accident. She was leaving home to pick up her four year old daughter from preschool. To leave her neighborhood, there were two exits. One had no light and one had a traffic light. Since she had to cross several lanes to turn left, she chose to exit by the light, the safer route.

She was the first in line at a red light. When the light turned green, she looked both ways and proceeded forward. An old steel truck, going at least 60 miles an hour, ran through the red light and hit her car at the driver's side door! The door was crashed in so that where she was sitting, there were about only four to six inches between the door and the center console.

Immediately, the Lord sent people to try to help her. One was an off duty EMT. Somehow my daughter had the presence of mind to tell them to call her husband and gave the phone number. A neighbor, who had been right behind her called her husband repeatedly until he was able to answer the phone. He called us and we went immediately to stay with our granddaughter and pray. My oldest daughter is a nurse and had been a volunteer fire fighter, so was trained in treating trauma patients. She called off work and headed to the hospital.

Because of her background, she was able to go into the emergency room to assist the doctor and to be with her sister. My oldest daughter is anointed to bring peace to those types of situations, and she was able to bring peace to her sister and brother-in-law during this horrific time.

My youngest daughter's femur (thigh bone) was crushed. Without God's protection and provision, I don't know that she would have ever been able to walk or use her leg again. But God provided just the right surgeon who was able to pin and wire her thigh bone together. At the time, he said that he had never seen such a bad break. I thank God for giving him the wisdom and supernatural ability to put her leg back together and for God's healing presence completing the healing.

During her recovery and rehab, I moved to her house to be able to spend time with her during the day and make dinner for her family at night. I was very concerned for her. John and I were praying for her total recovery.

One night, I was driving to the rehab, to visit her. There were no cars on the road. It had been raining and now it was drizzling. I looked to my right side and saw a rainbow. I wondered where the rainbow ended. When I turned back to look at the road, I saw that the rainbow ended on the hood of my car! It stayed there for about twenty seconds: long enough for me to realize that through this miraculous event, God was showing me that my daughter would be alright. God had His hand upon her and she would be healed and walk again. Today she has full use of her leg. Praise the Lord! I am so grateful for His love, protection, provision and healing presence in our lives.


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