This is a testimony from my friend, Sue Blount.
"My friend, Rose Marie, came over the other day. She is one of my best friends who is always available to help me out when I need it. She usually comes over and helps me with my laundry and anything else I need help with.
It just so happened that the paper recycling had been forgotten on the last pickup day. The recycling bin was overflowing as well as the big bin outside. I asked her to help me burn some of it. We have a huge barbeque grill with a lid on it that works great for burning.
I have just returned home from rehab where I was recovering from a fractured vertebrae and am still using a walker. I had been sorting some stuff in my room and had put a bunch of papers in a basket. I put my basket on my walker and took it out to the grill, where we loaded the grill with papers, set them on fire and shut the lid. I watched as smoke billowed out of it. Satisfied that this problem was solved, we went inside to do laundry.
As we were working, I realized that I didn't have my cell phone. We tried calling it to no avail. I had previously turned the volume down. We searched all over, but no luck. We asked Jesus to help us, knowing that He would.
I knew where I thought I had it last, but it just wasn't there. Rose was very upset that we couldn't find it. Then the thought crossed my mind that we might have picked it up when we took the papers out of the basket on my walker, and that it might have been put in the grill. We went outside to look and when we opened the grill, I brushed through the ashes and didn't see it.
There were some papers that had fallen on the side of the grill that didn't burn. Then I saw it! It was lying there and it wasn't melted. I picked it up and opened it and everything on it works perfectly. The only thing is that the case smells like smoke.
Thank you, Jesus for keeping it safe. And I know that if He is willing to look out for my phone, how much more will He look out for me and you?!! This happened last Tuesday. It's pretty amazing!!"