Have you ever really taken the time to think about the people who you call friends in your life? There are so many levels of friendship. There are acquaintances and casual acquaintances. There are friends that you have fun with or with whom you have common interests. Then there are really close friends with whom you share your true self. People have said that if you have a handful of close friends in your entire lifetime, you are fortunate.
It is great if you have had the experience of having a really close friend. When you have had that opportunity, it is like a touch of heaven, because you can be your authentic self and still be loved. But, who is your best friend? One who will never leave you nor forsake you. One who listens to you day or night for as long as you want to talk. One who loves you unconditionally just the way you are, no matter what. One who always has your best interest at heart even if it means He has to sacrifice something of Himself for your greater good. One who will tell you the truth always, even when you don't necessarily want to hear it, and will never gossip about you. One who will always encourage you and lift you up.
Have you ever had a friend like that? If so, you have been blessed. Have you ever been a friend like that? If not, it is a great example to work towards. Who is this friend? His name is Jesus Christ and He wants more than anything that we would want to be His friend. Through His death and resurrection He has made a way for us to fellowship with Him, God our Father and the Holy Spirit now and for all of eternity. All we have to do to accept His invitation to be His friend is to realize that we are all sinners who need a savior, repent of our sins and accept Christ as our Savior. Once you have made that decision, God will abide in you as you abide in Him. You will have a peace that goes beyond understanding because you will know that God has your back: He has a plan for you that is for good and not for evil, He will be your counsel and your guide and lead you in all the truth, and He will be your protector and provider.
Believe me, there is nothing better than being able to have Jesus as your friend. Jesus is my best friend and has sustained me during this difficult season of my life. He has sustained me by both giving me His peace and by inspiring people to reach out to me and bless me by being the hands and feet of Jesus to me in my time of need. I am so grateful that those people have responded to the Lord by helping me. May God bless them in a mighty way.
Below is a song that I like concerning Jesus as my friend. I hope you are blessed by it.