This is a writing from my author friend, Susan Blount.
"I was listening to a story about a talented musician who had major surgery. He was still in the hospital. In the floor lobby was a piano that was open to those who wanted to play. It was a Sunday and he decided to play some hymns. At first there was no one there and he was tempted o think, "Why play when no one will hear?" God's voice said to him, "Just play, those who are supposed to come, will." a woman came and as he played, she began to weep. she told him, "You have a gift, just keep playing." She told him the story of her daughter's battle with cancer and they prayed. As I heard the words, "You have a gift", I thought of all those whose "gifts" have touched my life in a powerful way.
I also thought of times my gifts have touched others. But my heart's immediate and most powerful response was, "Yes! We have a gift."
Lately, I have been focusing on the Scripture in Isaiah 9:6 - a child is born to us, a son is given to us...these will be His royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world He gave the gift of His Son. Yes! We have a gift, and His name is Jesus! He is the gift.
Jesus is the gift that is given to us. He is the gift that is lived through us. By this gift we are enabled to powerfully touch, connect, influence and change our world and those in it." - Susan Blount
Susan writes some amazing Christian poems. She has written two books so far. One is available on amazon.com. The title is Hand of the Most High by Susan Blount
The other is title "God, You Said" which is available from Susan now and will soon be available on her upcoming website.